Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// Invest in Targeted Expertise

BMO’s consulting services offered in pre-purchased blocks of hours or project based allows clients to secure the expertise of BMO’s consultants for a defined period, ensuring focused and efficient work on your specific needs.

Benefits of Block Hour Consulting with BMO:

  • Focused attention: By pre-purchasing hours, you guarantee dedicated time and commitment from BMO’s team to your project.
  • Cost-effective: Block hour packages offer a predictable cost structure, allowing you to budget effectively.
  • Flexibility: You can tailor the number of hours to your project’s requirements.
  • Streamlined communication: Pre-defined hours ensure clear expectations and efficient use of time.

How it Works:

  • Initial Consultation: A BMO consultant will discuss your project requirements, goals, and timeline.
  • Scope Definition: Based on the consultation, BMO will define the specific deliverables and estimated number of hours needed.
  • Block Hour Package Selection: Choose a pre-defined block of hours that aligns with your project’s needs.
  • Project Execution: Work commences within the agreed-upon timeframe, with BMO’s team ensuring focused effort towards achieving your objectives.